Zoning for the future: Off-sale liquor, cannabis, tobacco and sexually-oriented businesses

The City of Albert Lea has adopted new zoning for off-sale liquor, cannabis, tobacco and sexually-oriented businesses.

“Cannabis is changing Minnesota in many ways. As a city government, we need to make sure the changes to Albert Lea are not detrimental to our residents and our existing businesses,” said Wayne Sorensen, building and zoning official.

“The location of these businesses will affect Albert Lea for decades, so we want to proceed cautiously,” he added.

New zoning law

The new zoning law limits the locations for new cannabis, off-sale liquor, tobacco and sexually-oriented businesses.

New adult-focused businesses are prohibited in residential areas, Albert Lea’s historic downtown, an area around downtown, and areas along interstates.

In other areas, new off-sale liquor, cannabis and tobacco businesses must be at least 1,000 feet from a school or 500 feet from day cares, residential treatment facilities, places of worship or attractions within a public park that is regularly used by minors, including playgrounds or athletic fields.

New sexually-oriented businesses must be at least 1,000 feet from a school or 500 feet from residential areas, parks, recreational areas, public theaters, shopping centers and airports. They must be at least 1,500 feet from interstate highways.

In addition, new adult-focused businesses must be least 500 feet from a similar use, meaning no clusters of cannabis or other adult-focused businesses within the same immediate area.

Existing adult-focused businesses can continue to operate in their current locations. However, expanding in their current locations may be prohibited.

For more information:

     Wayne Sorensen
     Building and Zoning Official
     [email protected]


To ensure an equitable approach to regulating off-sale alcohol, cannabis, tobacco and sexually-oriented businesses, the Albert Lea City Council decided May 13 to put a pause on applications for new, expanding or relocating these types of businesses. The moratorium will expire in November this year, unless extended by the city council.

Existing businesses can continue to operate. They may also apply for renewal of their licenses, or transfer them to new owners as long as the business space remains the same.

The moratorium is in response to Minnesota legalizing recreational use of marijuana in 2023 and allowing new types of cannabis businesses to open in 2025 or earlier. The city council is concerned about the placement of cannabis businesses and regulating them with parity in regards to tobacco product shops, off-sale liquor and sexually-oriented businesses.

The council is also concerned that these businesses will be concentrated in areas of Albert Lea where the community has invested in maintaining a historic nature or where minors would be exposed to products they are prohibited from buying.