Blazing Star Trail, Cedar Avenue & Eddie Cochran Street Resurfacing Project Updates

September 14, 2023

Blazing Star Trail Resurfacing:The striping subcontractor painted the parking stalls in the parking lot this week. All work is now completed except for minor punch list items.

August 4, 2023 

Eddie Cochran Street Resurfacing:The contractor placed the final lift of asphalt yesterday. The only work remaining is placing the gravel shoulder, some grading work to improve drainage, and minor punch list items.

July 20, 2023

Cedar Ave Resurfacing: The final lift of asphalt was placed this week. The only work remaining is a general cleanup and minor punch list items.

Eddie Cochran Street Resurfacing: The first lift of asphalt was placed over the weekend. The final lift is scheduled for early next week. They will then complete the grading and seeding along the road edges. After that the only work remaining will be minor punch list items.

July 14, 2023

Cedar Avenue Resurfacing: The contractor plans to place the final lift of asphalt next week. The only work remaining after that will be minor punch list items.

Eddie Cochran Street Resurfacing: The aggregate base was completed this week. The contractor plans to place the first of two lifts of asphalt either this Saturday or early next week.

July 7, 2023

Cedar Avenue Resurfacing: This week the contractor raised all the manhole and water valve covers to the finished road level. The final lift of asphalt is scheduled for next week.

Eddie Cochran Street Resurfacing: This week the contractor removed the existing pavement and began excavating for the new aggregate base. Next week they will begin installing the new aggregate base. Signs have been set up directing anyone wishing to access the Humane Society, the boat dock, or the Pelican Breeze to use the trailhead of the Blazing Star Trail as a temporary access road.

June 29, 2023

Cedar Avenue Resurfacing: The contractor plans to place the first lift of asphalt this week. Next week they will raise the manhole and water valve covers to the final road level in preparation for the final lift.

Eddie Cochran Street Resurfacing: The contractor has been delayed in starting this project and does not currently have a tentative start date. They now hope to begin work mid to late July.

June 22, 2023

Cedar Avenue Resurfacing: The sand subbase and gravel roadbase were installed this week. The next step will be installing the new bituminous surface. The first of two lifts is tentatively scheduled for late next week.

Blazing Star Trail Resurfacing: The landscaping subcontractor graded and placed topsoil in the shoulder areas and placed the seeding. The only work remaining is the paint striping in the parking lot area.

June 8, 2023 

Blazing Star Trail Resurfacing: The contractor completed installation of the new bituminous surface this week. Work remaining includes shoulder grading, turf establishment, and paint striping in the parking area.

Cedar Avenue Resurfacing: The contractor plans to begin work next week with removal of the existing pavement between Sunset Street and Massee Street. They will also begin excavating for and installing the sand subbase.

Eddie Cochran Street Resurfacing: The contractor has rescheduled the start of this project. They had planned to start this week, but have been delayed. They are now tentatively planning to start the week of June 19-23.