2024 Construction Projects

2024 Neighborhood Improvement Project – Job 2401

This project has 3 main components: bituminous mill & overlay in the Fairlane Terrace area, bituminous surface and watermain replacement on the Spicer Road- cul-de-sac, and replacement of the bituminous surface on the east end of Hammer Road. The streets in the mill & overlay area include:

Fairlane Terrace – Richway Drive to Briarwood Drive
Crestview Road – Fairlane Terrace to Levison Street
Foothills Boulevard – Crestview Road to Fairlane Terrace
Spicer Road – Fairlane Terrace to Foothills Boulevard
Briarwood Drive – Garfield Avenue to Crestview Road
Kent Avenue – Fairlane Terrace to Levison Street
Levison Street – Garfield Avenue to Crestview Road
Columbus Avenue – Hawthorne Street to Crestview Road

Work in the mill & overlay area will involve milling the existing bituminous street surfacing for a 6-foot width along each concrete gutter line so the new bituminous layer will match with the level of the concrete gutter. A 2-inch thick layer of bituminous will be laid over the entire width of the street. The project will also involve replacing sections of curb & gutter that have settled and are causing drainage issues.

On Spicer Road from Fairlane Terrace to the cul-de-sac, work will include removing and replacing the bituminous surface, curb & gutter, aggregate base, and watermain.

Work on Hammer Road from Sorensen Road to the east end will include removal and replacement of the bituminous surface and aggregate base

See Quest CDN Bid No. 9025688 for bidding information.

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2024 State Aid Street Overlay Project (Greenwood Drive Construction) – Job 2402

This project includes bituminous mill & overlay on Greenwood Drive from Richway Drive to the bridge, and installation of new sidewalk from Richway Drive to Hammer Road. The project area is along Greenwood Drive from Richway Drive to Hammer Road.

Work in the mill & overlay area will involve milling the existing bituminous street surfacing for a 6-foot width along each concrete gutter line so the new bituminous layer will match with the level of the concrete gutter. A 2-inch thick layer of bituminous will be laid over the entire width of the street. The project will also involve replacing sections of curb & gutter that have settled and are causing drainage issues on the east side of the road.

New sidewalk is proposed to be installed on the west side of Greenwood Drive. This will be accommodated by narrowing the street by 3 feet and moving the curb & gutter on the west side. Parking is proposed to be on the west side of the roadway.

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Marshall Street and Sibley Avenue Reconstruction Project – Job 2403

This project calls for the complete reconstruction of portions of Marshall Street and Sibley Avenue (approximately 1,200 total feet). Work will include complete removal and replacement of the pavement, curb & gutter, sidewalk, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and watermain. The existing concrete and bituminous pavements will be removed and replaced with a bituminous surface. The streets are:

Marshall Street – Bridge Avenue to E Main Street (TH 65)
Sibley Avenue – Marshall Street to E. Main Street (TH 65)

See Quest CDN Bid No. 9039673 for bidding information

7th Street & Winter Avenue Reconstruction Project – Job 2404

This project calls for the complete reconstruction of portions of 7th Street and Winter Avenue (approximately 1,650 total feet). Work will include complete removal and replacement of the pavement, curb & gutter, sidewalk, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and watermain. The existing concrete and bituminous pavements will be removed and replaced with a bituminous surface. The streets are:

7th Street – SE Broadway Avenue to James Avenue
Winter Avenue – Fountain Street to Abbott Street

See Quest CDN Bid No. 9039675 for bidding information

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2024 Alley Reconstruction Project – Job 2405

The proposed project calls for the reconstruction of several downtown area alleys (approximately 840 total feet). Proposed work will include complete removal and replacement of the pavement and repairs to sanitary sewer manholes within the project area. The alleys proposed for reconstruction with this project are between Elizabeth Avenue and Newton from Clark Street to College Street. The new pavement is proposed to be a concrete surface and will be dish-shaped to channel water to the center and then carried out to the street.

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2023 – 2024 Biosolids Removal- Job 2306

This project involves the removal of biosolids (or sludge) from the storage tanks at the WWTP and land applying them on approved land near the WWTP.

See Quest CDN Bid No. 8404231 for bidding information