5th Street & Frank Hall Drive Reconstruction Project Updates – Job 2301

November 9, 2023 – This week the contractor completed rough grading in the boulevards and placed the temporary seed mixture to prevent erosion. All work for this fall is complete except for minor cleanup and punch list items. Work slated for next spring includes final boulevard grading and sod placement, and installing the final lift of asphalt.

November 3, 2023 – This week the contractor continued work on grading and shaping the yard areas that were disturbed by the project. This work should be completed next week, and then they will place a temporary seed mixture to prevent erosion until next spring when the sod is placed.

October 27, 2023 – The last of the concrete sidewalk and driveway aprons were installed this week. The landscaping subcontractor plans to begin regrading and reshaping the boulevard and other disturbed areas next week. With the onset of cold weather, they plan to place a temporary seed mixture to prevent erosion, and then come back in the spring to install the sod.

October 13, 2023 – This week the contractor continued final shaping for the aggregate base and prepping for the new sidewalk. The concrete subcontractor plans to return next week to install the sidewalk and driveway aprons.

October 6, 2023 – The new curb & gutter was installed this week. The contractor plans to let that cure before returning next week to install the sidewalk and driveway aprons.

September 28, 2023 – The underground utility replacement has been completed and all houses have been switched over and are being served from the new water and sewer mains. The contractor is currently excavating for the new gravel base on Frank Hall Drive and plans to begin installing the aggregate next week.

September 21, 2023 – The residential water and sewer services have now all been replaced, and the contractor is currently working on finishing the last of the storm sewer replacement on Frank Hall Drive. This should be completed early next week and then they will begin excavating and installing the aggregate base.

Setpember 14, 2023 – The aggregate base on 5th Street was completed this week. There likely won’t be any work on 5th Street until the concrete subcontractor comes in to do the curb and sidewalk on both streets. On Frank Hall Drive, the watermain replacement has been completed and the contractor is currently working on replacing the services to the houses. This will continue into next week.

September 8, 2023 – The contractor is in the process of excavating and installing the new gravel base on 5th Street and will likely finish next week. They have also begun the watermain replacement on Frank Hall Drive. They will continue this work next week.

August 31, 2023 – The underground utility replacement on 5th Street was completed this week, and the contractor has begun removing the pavement on Frank Hall Drive. The contractor is in the process of removing the temporary water supply from the houses on 5th Street and switching it to the affected houses on Frank Hall Drive. Utility replacement will being next week along with excavating and installing the new gravel roadbase on 5th Street.

August 25, 2023 – Storm sewer replacement and residential service replacement continued this week. The contractor hopes to finish that work next week and then plans to begin removing the pavement on Frank Hall Drive.

August 18, 2023 – The contractor currently has two pipe crews working. One crew is continuing to replace the storm sewer on 5th Street while the other has completed the watermain replacement on 5th Street and will be working on replacing the water and sewer services next week.

August 11, 2023 – The contractor has completed the sanitary sewer replacement on 5th Street and is now working on replacing the storm sewer. This work will continue next week.

August 4, 2023 – The contractor continued sanitary sewer replacement on 5th Street this week. This work will continue next week.

July 20, 2023 – The pavement and curb on 5th Street has been removed and the contractor is working on setting up the temp water pipe for those houses. They hope to begin the sanitary sewer replacement on 5th Street next.

July 14, 2023 – This week the contractor completed the boulevard tree removals. Work next week includes pavement and curb removal on 5th Street and setting up the temporary water that will supply the houses during the watermain replacement.

July 7, 2023 – The boulevard tree removals will take place next week. Pavement removal and underground utility work on 5th Street is expected to start the week of July 17-21.

June 29, 2023 – A preconstruction meeting was held this week to discuss the project with the contractor. They plan to start the week of July 10-14 with setting up traffic control, tree removals, and removal of pavement on 5th Street. Their general plan will be to begin work on 5th Street while leaving Frank Hall Drive open until the underground utility work on 5th Street nears completion.

June 22, 2023 – A preconstruction meeting is scheduled for next week. The contractor, Jensen Excavating, is tentatively planning to start the week of July 10th.