- May 15, 1878: The City Council appointed Ed D. Patrick as the city’s first police officer. D.K. Stacey & T.L. Torgeson were appointed as night policemen the same day.
- June 18, 1878: Ed Patrick was appointed Chief of Police and his salary was set at $50/month. The patrolmen were paid $45/month.
- Duties of pound master imposed on police dept.
- August 3, 1880: additional watchman added because of increased duties. New duties included taking care of Engine House. Keep it clean for council meetings and under no circumstances allow tramps or prisoners inside.

Albert Lea Police Department, 1920
- April 3, 1883: City Ordinance enacted that spelled out duties of officers and night watchman.
- May 24, 1892: Police given duty to inspect sidewalks.
- 1895: Police given duty to keep order at council meetings.
- November 6, 1899: Albert Lea Special Policeman Judson H. Randall is killed in the line of duty.
- 1902: Police headquarters moved to City Hall.
- 1903: Assistant Chief of Police position created.
- 1903: Police Chief appointed Fire Marshal.
- 1919: Petition received from County Club of Women requesting the hiring of a female policewoman. City hired female welfare worker at $150/mo. Miss Flavin is believed to be the City’s first female officer.
- 1921: First Motorcycle patrolman. Pay split between City & County, $125/mo.
- 1924: First police automobile purchase for $995 from Midway Motor Co.
- 1976: Police Department moved into Law Enforcement Center at 411 S. Broadway Ave. with Sheriff’s Office.
- 2004: Police Department moved into new Freeborn County Government Center at 411 S. Broadway Ave.

Albert Lea Police Department, 1950
Police Chiefs:
Ed Patrick, 1878
Reuben Williams, 1879
Ed Patrick, 1880
W.C. Mitchell, 1881
H.S. Grandy, 1884
Frank Merchant, 1886
W.B Carey, 1889
Charles D. Marlett, 1894
A.E. Ransom, 1895
F.D. Dudley 1896
Seth F. Chamberlain, 1896
J.J. Sullivan, 1899
Jones, 1908
Edward Jensen, 1922
Theodore Lifeson, 1937
Ole Anderson, 1949
Charles Heilman, 1956
Clifford Bailey
Richard Alstad, 1972
Clarence Ayers, 1978
Thomas Menning, 1995
Dwaine Winkels, 2005*
J.D. Carlson, 2018
*Police Chief position changed to Director of Public Safety, 2012