For immediate release
Feb. 28, 2025
Media contact: Albert Lea Public Safety Director JD Carlson at 507-377-5665 or [email protected]

Albert Lea crime rate lowest since 2018

The Albert Lea Police Department reports that the local crime rate dropped in 2024 to the lowest level since 2018, based on a statewide crime reporting system that went into effect in 2017. The 2024 rate continues a decreasing trend over the last 4 years.

The overall crime rate – the percentage of population that experienced a crime – dropped by 19. The total number of crimes reported decreased by 19% from 1,138 in 2023 to 923 in 2024:

  • The number of more serious crimes reported like assault and larceny theft decreased from 411 offenses to 302.
  • The number of less serious crimes reported like vandalism and drug violations decreased from 727 offenses to 621.

“Albert Lea remains a very safe community, thanks to the investment in our police force and the working relationship we have with our community,” said JD Carlson, director of public safety.

Although the number of larceny theft reports dropped by 33% from 2023 to 2024, this offense remains the most-reported crime in Albert Lea with 193 reports last year.

Larceny theft involves the taking of someone else’s property without the use of force.

Carlson cites several possible reasons for the drop in larceny theft:

  • The Albert Lea Police Department continues to implement successful crime prevention strategies, including targeted enforcement efforts.
  • Increased police presence and community policing can deter potential criminals and build relationships between law enforcement and residents, leading to better crime prevention.
  • Improved security measures with residents and businesses investing in better security systems, such as alarms, cameras and improved lighting.
  • Community initiatives and programs that address the root causes of crime, such as poverty, unemployment and lack of education.
  • Shifts in demographics, such as an aging population or changes in economic conditions, can also affect crime rates.

“The ALPD is successful largely because of the implementation of an adaptive deployment plan that optimizes the use of available resources,” Carlson said. 

“However, creativity and dedication, while commendable, are not sufficient on their own for long-term sustainability. Our community will need to continue their investment in our police department to keep crime down.”

The table below shows the total numbers of offenses and overall crime reported in Albert Lea with the difference from the previous year since the State of Minnesota implemented the reporting system in 2017.


Albert Lea Crime Rate Report


Total number of offenses

Difference from previous year

Difference in overall crime rate adjusted for population



18.9% lower

19.0% lower



1.8% higher

1.9% lower



5.1% lower

5.9% lower



4.7% lower

4.9% lower



0.6% lower

0.6% higher



9.7% higher

8.4% higher



4.9% higher

4.6% higher



The mission of the Albert Lea Police Department is to enhance the quality of life in Albert Lea by providing excellent public safety services through leadership, integrity, and in collaborative partnerships with our community.