For immediate release
Jan. 31, 2025
Contact: Daphney Maras, city clerk at 507-377-4335 or
Albert Lea Charter Commission seeks new member
The City of Albert Lea seeks candidates for one open seat on its Charter Commission. This volunteer commission reviews the City Charter to ensure its compliance with all applicable state and federal laws. The commission also works to make sure the charter responds to the needs of Albert Lea residents. It meets annually in May with each of the 7 members serving a 4-year term.
The charter is like the city’s constitution, serving as the fundamental document outlining the structure and powers of the city government.
“Serving on the Charter Commission is about ensuring that Albert Lea’s governing document is legally sound, and that it reflects and serves the needs of the people who call Albert Lea home,” said Jay Waltman, who is serving his second term on the commission.
Applicants must be at least age 18 and a resident of Albert Lea. Apply online at or contact the City Clerk’s office at 507-377-4335. Applications are due to the City Clerk’s office, 221 E. Clark St., by April 1, 2025.
After reviewing applications, the Chief Judge of the Third Judicial District will appoint a commission member.