For immediate release
Feb. 10, 2025
Contact: Daphney Maras, city clerk at 507-377-4335 or [email protected]

Albert Lea seeks applicants for Human Rights Commission

The City of Albert Lea is seeking 7 members for its Human Right Commission after putting this volunteer board on pause since the pandemic in 2020. City leaders are reactivating the commission in response to residents expressing interest in serving.

Members usually serve 4-year terms, but these initial appointments may be staggered to prevent all 7 positions being open at the same time in the future.

The first order of business for this commission will be to review its purpose, duties and responsibilities as set by City Code, and make recommendations for any changes to the Albert Lea City Council for adoption.

Current duties include planning events, activities and forums on civil and human rights; recommending policies to the city council on equal opportunities; and working to eliminate discrimination.

Applicants must be at least age 18. Applications are open to Freeborn County residents with preference given to those who live in Albert Lea. Apply online at or contact the City Clerk’s office at 507-377-4335. Applications are due to the City Clerk’s office, 221 E. Clark St., by March 10, 2025.

Mayor Rich Murray will review the applications and recommend applicants to the city council for appointment in March or April.
