Proposed ordinances
Sec. 2.077. Fire Department.
It is the function of the fire department to extinguish fires, to rescue persons in peril of life, to resuscitate and to administer first aid in an emergency when such can be done without jeopardy of the public interest on fire matters. The head of the fire department is the fire chief, under the general supervision of the city manager.
(1) The fire chief shall direct, manage and discipline all members of the fire department and be in charge of the staff.
(2) The fire chief is charged with the care of all buildings, equipment, and other property of the department.
(3) The fire chief shall keep in a convenient form a record of all fires within the city and all calls for services from outside the city limits. Such records shall include the date and time of the alarm, the location of the fire, the cause of the fire if known, the value of the building, the contents, and amount of loss of each and such other data as may be deemed advisable by the city manager or as required by law.
(4) The fire chief shall have charge of enforcement of fire prevention and may call upon members of the fire department to assist through public information, inspections and recordkeeping and analysis.
(5) The fire department shall have charge of all fire hydrants and the use thereon of the city water system and shall keep the fire hydrants in good operating condition in cooperation with the utilities department, subject to the right of the utility to use hydrants for utility purposes.
(Code 1997, § 2-134; Ord. No. 224, 10d, 4-8-2019; Ord. No. 21-057, 4-26-2021)
Sec. 2.081. Police Department.
It shall be the duty of the police force to enforce the laws of our nation, state, and ordinances of the city. The department shall be subject to aid other first responders in the area. The head of the police department is the police chief, under the general supervision of the city manager.
(1) The police chief shall direct, manage and discipline all members of the department and be in charge of their staff.
(2) The police chief is charged with the care of all buildings, equipment, and other property of their department.
(3) The police chief is the department head and chief law enforcement officer of the police force. The police chief shall direct the police force of the city and be responsible for the enforcement of law and order as well as act as the direct supervisor of the deputy police chief and police lieutenants.
(4) The police chief shall assign the members of the department to their duties; shall see that the duties are performed diligently; and shall keep all service records, including the number and nature of all crimes committed, adequate identification records of all persons arrested, and accounts of all complaints made.
(5) The police chief shall report all improper conduct on the part of any officer to the city manager.
(Code 1997, § 2-134;)
Secs. 2.082—2.103. Reserved.
That the motion for the adoption of the foregoing ordinance was duly seconded by Councilor, and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Councilors Christensen, Baker, Howland, Olson, Van Beek, Anderson, and Mayor Murray;
And the following voted against the same: None. Mayor Murray declared the ordinance passed.
Introduced, read for the first time and passed this 24th day of March, 2025
Mayor Rich Murray
Filed and attested this 25th day of March, 2025
Secretary of the Council