January 10, 2022

January 10, 2022 7:00 P.M.

PRESENT: Mayor Vern Rasmussen Jr., Councilors Rich Murray, Larry Baker, Jason Howland, Reid Olson, Robert Rasmussen, and Al Brooks. Also present were City Manager Ian Rigg, Public Works Director Steven Jahnke, Public Safety Director JD Carlson, and City Clerk Daphney Maras.

ABSENT: City Attorney Kelly Martinez


Mayor Rasmussen read through the agenda and provided detail of each item.

CEREMONIAL ITEMS – Proclamation Declaring Stars National Mentoring Month
Mayor Vern Rasmussen read aloud the Proclamation Declaring January Stars National Mentoring Month. He then introduced Mary Jo Volkman Program Coordinator who provided a synopsis of the program. Success Through Adults Reaching Students (STARS) is a non-profit mentoring program serving youth and families in Freeborn County and the eastern portion of Faribault County. Volkman further explained that STARS is dedicated to providing adult mentors to youth who are in need of guidance or support. She encourages anyone who feels they could provide support to a youth to contact her.

PUBLIC FORUM – No one spoke

Mayor Rasmussen read through each item on the Consent and Approval Agenda.

A. Approve Minutes Of The December 27, 2021 Regular Council Meeting
B. Approve Minutes Of The December 27, 2021 Work Session
C. License & Permits
D. Resolution Approving Donation of Memorial Bench to the City of Albert Lea
E. Resolution Establishing 2022 Appointments and Designations
F. Resolution Designating Depositories of City Funds and Signatories for Withdrawal of Funds and Authorizing Credit Card Use, Electronic or Wire Transfers, Investment of Municipal Funds, And Collateral Securing Deposits For 2022
G. Resolution Establishing Rules and Procedures for the City Council of Albert Lea
H. Resolution Naming Official Newspaper For 2022
I. Resolution Accepting Feasibility Report for the 209th Street Bituminous Paving & Happy Trails Lane Overlay Project (Job 2103)
J. Resolution Receiving Feasibility Report and Calling Public Hearing for the 2022 State Aid Street Overlay Project (Job 2202)
K. Resolution Granting a Variance to Primary Structure Setback Requirements
L. Resolution Authorizing FY 2026 Valley Avenue Grant Application

Motion made by Councilor Baker to approve the consent agenda as read, seconded by Councilor Brooks. On roll call vote, the following councilors voted in favor of said motion: Murray, Baker, Howland, Olson, Brooks, and Mayor Rasmussen. Mayor Rasmussen declared the motion passed.

(See Secretary’s Original Resolution 22-001 through 22-009
Included with these minutes)



A. Resolution 22-010 Amending Professional Services Agreement with Mead and Hunt Inc. For Task Order No. 4 & Task Order No. 5 for the Albert Lea Municipal Airport Pavement Preservation Project (Job 2205)
Rigg stated in January 2016, the City entered into a Professional Service Agreement with Mead & Hunt, Inc. This resolution would amend the agreement to include Task Order No. 4, Task Order No. 5 and extend the agreement until December 31, 2022. Task Order No. 4 and Task Order No. 5 involve a pavement preservation project for all bituminous pavement surfaces at the airport. Because the cross-wind runway will not be eligible for Federal funding the tasks were broken up into two tasks, Task Order No. 4 (Federally eligible) and Task Order No. 5 (State Aid eligible only). The estimated project cost of Task Order No. 4 and Task Order No. 5 is $79,792.50 with the Federal portion being estimated at approximately $57,349.80 (72%), the State portion being estimated at $14,435.45 (18%), and the City portion being estimated at approximately $8,007.25 (10%). The Task Orders would be time and materials not to exceed. Federal and State grants will be awarded late spring or summer and construction would be completed before October 31, 2022.

Motion made by Councilor Brooks, seconded by Councilor Rasmussen. On roll call vote, the following councilors voted in favor of said motion: Murray, Baker, Howland, Olson, Brooks, and Mayor Rasmussen. Mayor Rasmussen declared the motion passed.
(See Secretary’s Original Resolution 22-010
Included with these minutes)

B. Ordinance 22-068 Amending Zoning and Land Use Map from R-3 Multi-Family Residence to R-O Multi-Family Residence Office District (1st reading)

Rigg explained a request was made to re-zone 209 9th Avenue North from R-3 Multi-Family Residence District to R-O Multi-Family Residence Office District. The purpose of the R-3 Multi-Family Residence District is to assist in the maintenance and development of desirable residential neighborhoods characterized by high-density development. The most recent use of the subject property has been a dental office (prior to that a church), not high density residential, which creates a non-conforming use. Additionally, the current R-3 zoning is inconsistent with surrounding areas and could be considered spot zoning. Approving the proposed re-zone would eliminate both of those issues. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing in regard to the proposed re-zoning on January 4, 2022 and recommends approval.

Motion made by Councilor Brooks, seconded by Councilor Murray. On roll call vote, the following councilors voted in favor of said motion: Murray, Baker, Howland, Olson, Brooks, and Mayor Rasmussen. Mayor Rasmussen declared the motion passed.
(See Secretary’s Original Ordinance 22-068
Included with these minutes)

First Ward, Councilor Murray reported:
• Ward Items – None
• Committee Update – Attended a meeting at ALEDA. Visited Pro Trucking with ALEDA Director Phillip Johnson.

Second Ward, Councilor Baker reported:
• Ward Items – None
• Committee – Attended a Planning Commission meeting this week.

Third Ward, Councilor Howland reported:
• Ward Item – Did an interview with KAAL TV to report on happenings in Albert Lea
• Committee – None

Fourth Ward, Councilor Olson reported:
• Ward Items – None
• Committee Update – None

Fifth Ward, Councilor Rasmussen reported:
• Ward Items – None
• Committee Update – None

Sixth Ward, Councilor Brooks reported:
• Ward Items – Deferred one ward item to staff
• Committee Update – None

• Attended the ALEDA meeting
• Reminded Council their evaluation form regarding the City Manager is due

• Reminded council and staff the Council Retreat is scheduled on March 5th to be held at the Fire Station.
• Employee reviews are being scheduled
• Reviewed four different waste disposal options for the WWTP with Engineers. Bolton & Menk will present an overview of the options at the next council meeting.
• Submitted information to the Albert Lea Tribune about the Climate Action Plan
• Union negotiations with the Public Works Department is still on-going
• Staff are reviewing the Broadway Ridge Grant Program focused on the downtown
• MNOSHA requirements continue to be reviewed
• Met with the Director of ALEDA and City staff to review potential storm water issues


A. Resolution 22-011 Approving Contract with Councilmember Al D. Brooks dba Brooks Safety

The attached resolution directs the Mayor and City Treasurer to make payment in the amount of $748.93 on behalf of the City for a claim from Brooks Safety Equipment, and issue payment for filing the affidavit of official interest by the interested official, Councilor Brooks.
Motion made by Councilor Baker, seconded by Councilor Howland. On roll call vote, the following councilors voted in favor of said motion: Murray, Baker, Howland, Olson, and Mayor Rasmussen. Councilor Brooks abstained. Mayor Rasmussen declared the motion passed.

(See Secretary’s Original Resolution 22-011
Included with these minutes)

B. Resolution 22-012 Approving Claims
(1). Presentation of Claims Over $25,000

The attached resolution directs the Mayor and City Treasurer to issue the payment of claims as presented in the Detail of Claims report.

Motion made by Councilor Brooks, seconded by Councilor Baker. On roll call vote, the following councilors voted in favor of said motion: Murray, Baker, Howland, Olson, Brooks, and Mayor Rasmussen. Mayor Rasmussen declared the motion passed.

(See Secretary’s Original Resolution 22-012
Included with these minutes)


Motion made by Councilor Murray, seconded by Councilor Howland. That there being no further business, the Council meeting adjourn until the next regular meeting of the Albert Lea City Council at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 24, 2022. On roll call vote, all councilors voted in favor of said motion.

Dated this 10th day of January, 2022

Daphney Maras
Council Secretary