2024 State Aid Overlay Project Updates (Greenwood Drive Construction) – Job 2402

November 8, 2024 – The “no parking” signs were installed along the east side of the road this week. All work is now complete except for minor cleanup and punch list items. 

November 1, 2024 – No work took place this week. The only work remaining is the paint striping and sign installation which should take place next week.

October 25, 2024 – The sod has been placed and the mailboxes have been reinstalled. The paint striping and sign installation is scheduled for next week. After that the only work remaining will be minor punch list items.

October 18, 2024 – The bituminous overlay was placed on Monday, and the contractor is currently working on prepping for and installing the sod. They will finish sod placement next week, and they will reinstall the mailboxes. Depending on subcontractor availability, they may complete the road striping as well.

October 11, 2024 – The sidewalk and driveway aprons were installed this week. The contractor has also been cleaning and prepping the street for placement of the overlay. The overlay is tentatively scheduled to be placed on Monday of next week. The final steps will be boulevard and yard restoration, centerline striping, and reinstalling mailboxes on the west side of the street.

October 4, 2024 – This week the contractor spent most of the week grading and prepping for the new sidewalk and driveway aprons. Next week will be another big week with the concrete subcontractor returning to install the sidewalk and driveways on Monday and Tuesday.

September 27, 2024 – Work this week included, bituminous patching along the new curb, installation of the new aggregate base and first lift of asphalt at the Green Lea Lane intersection, grading and prepping for the new sidewalk, and temporary gravel access for the properties on the west side is being restored today and can be used until the new sidewalk and driveways are installed.

Work expected for next week includes completion of the grading for the new sidewalk. The concrete subcontractor is tentatively scheduled to return October 7th and 8th to install the sidewalk and driveway aprons.

September 20, 2024 – A lot took place this week, Ulland Brothers has removed the curb on the west side of the road, and most of the week was spent moving the hydrants and storm sewer inlets to accommodate the new sidewalk, this will be completed today. The concrete subcontractor started and should finish installing the new curb & gutter today. Work expected for next week includes grading and prepping for the new sidewalk.

September 13, 2024 – The contractor will begin work next week with removal of the curb & gutter on the west side of the road as well as the deteriorated pavement at the intersection of Green Lea Lane. They also plan on starting work on the relocation of the hydrants and catch basins on the west side. Residents will have access during this time, but Greenwood Drive will be closed to through traffic while this work is taking place.

Currently, the concrete subcontractor is tentatively scheduled for the week of Sept. 30 – Oct. 4 to begin installing the new curb & gutter.

Once work begins Greenwood Drive will be closed to through traffic. You will have access to your driveways, but will only have access from one direction depending on which side of the Green Lea Lane intersection you are located.

September 6, 2024 – The contractor plans to begin work on the main portion of the project either late next week or the following week. The first steps will be to remove the curb on the west side of the road as well as the deteriorated pavement section near the intersection of Green Lea Lane. They will then begin moving the hydrants and storm sewer inlets on the west side to accommodate the new sidewalk. Concurrently, they will be working on excavating and installing the new aggregate base and in the intersection reconstruction area at Green Lea.

Greenwood Drive will be closed to through traffic with Bridge Avenue serving as the detour during this process. Greenwood residents will be able to access their driveways but will only have access from one direction depending on which side of the Green Lea Lane intersection they live on.

August 30, 2024 – The contractor has set a tentative start date of Monday, September 16 to start work on the remainder of the project. We hope to have better details to provide with next week’s update, but expect the first steps to include removal of the curb on the west side of the road, and relocation of the hydrants and storm sewer inlets on that side.

August 23, 2024 – No work took place this week. The contractor anticipates work to start shortly after Labor Day.

August 16, 2024 – The contractor still does not have a definite schedule for returning to complete the work.

August 9, 2024 – The contractor still does not have a definite schedule for returning to complete the work.

July 26, 2024 – Ulland Bros did some minor grading and cleanup work surrounding the new wall between the bridge and Hammer Road. The contractor does not have a definite schedule for returning to begin the bulk of the project, but anticipates this starting near the end of August.

July 19, 2024 – The retaining wall subcontractor will complete installation of the retaining wall today. There will be some minor grading and cleanup work around the wall to make the area safe and prevent erosion next week. No more work is scheduled for this project until after the week of the Fair (July 30-Aug 4).

July 17, 2024 – Ulland Bros, Inc. has been awarded the contract for the work. The subcontractor that will be installing the new retaining wall along the section north of the bridge began work today and will likely continue through next week. The contractor has requested a “one-call” to have all the underground utilities in the project area which is the paint markings and flags that residents are starting to see in the project area. They haven’t set a start date for construction on this section as they are trying to schedule the various subcontractors (tree removal, curb removal, concrete installers, etc.) in quick succession to be able to complete the work with as little disruption as possible. As soon as work on the area south of the bridge has been scheduled, a letter will be sent to the residents along with email updates.

July 12, 2024 – A preconstruction meeting is scheduled for next week to discuss this project. The retaining wall subcontractor has an opening later next week and plans to begin installing the retaining wall needed between the bridge and Hammer Road.

June 28, 2024 – The bid opening was held this week with Ulland Bros the apparent low bidder. Work will likely not begin until August.

June 5, 2024 – This project has been delayed from our original timeline. The City applied for Safe Routes to School (SRTS) grant funding to pay for a portion of the curb relocation and sidewalk installation costs, and we could not advertise the project for bids until we knew whether this funding would be awarded. The City was notified in late May that the City was awarded SRTS grant funds. Construction costs related to installation of the new sidewalk along the west side of the road are eligible for the SRTS funds. The project is currently out for bids with the bid opening scheduled for June 25th. The anticipated start of this project is early August.