Applying for a Parks and Recreation project
Have a great idea for an amenity in a city park or for a recreational program? The City of Albert Lea Parks and Recreation Board reviews project applications from booster clubs, sports groups, and other community members seeking:
- Approval to change or add a city park amenity or recreational program
- City funding of a park amenity or recreational program
As an advisory board to the City Council, the board decides whether to recommend a project to the council for approval and implementation. The council makes the final decision.
Projects must meet this mission: To provide quality recreational opportunities and to plan, acquire, develop and maintain quality, attractive parks and facilities that enhance the quality of life in the community of Albert Lea.
The board evaluates proposals based on:
- Estimated cost of proposed project and available city funding, if any, and placement in Capital Improvement Plan if applicable
- Economic impact to community
- Feasibility of completing the project
- Staff resources needed to implement and maintain proposed project
- Whether proposed project duplicates existing amenity or conflicts with existing use
- How the project helps the community be more inclusive or welcoming to people of different backgrounds, including Americans with Disabilities Act requirements
- How the project enhances local quality of life
- Impact to natural resources
To apply for a recommendation from the board, please do the following:
- Review the process for review of project requests. You may want to print this process as a handy reference.
- Complete and submit the application. Save the application form and complete it on a computer, or print a hard copy and complete it by hand. Then submit it by:
– Emailing it as an attachment to
– Bringing a hard copy o the Recreation Office, 701 Lake Chapeau Drive, or
– Mailing a hard copy to the City of Albert Lea, Attn: Recreation Department, 221 E. Clark St., Albert Lea, MN 56007
A few tips for completing the application:
- Please do the necessary research, including soliciting cost estimates. The more complete your application, the faster the review process will go.
- Seek support from partners and request letters of support from them.
- Have a plan for raising funds to implement the project. Projects with at least some outside funding are more likely to succeed due to limited city funding.
- Be patient. Gathering and reviewing information takes time. The city schedules capital improvement projects several years in advance for planning and budgeting purposes.
If you have questions, please contact the Recreation Office at 507-377-4370 or 701 Lake Chapeau Drive.