Dock permits offer access to Fountain Lake
The City of Albert Lea regulates the use and placement of docks, moorings, and other fixed or floating structures in public waters in order to promote the full use, safety, and enjoyment of Fountain Lake. It is unlawful for any person to build or place any dock, structure, buoy or obstruction upon, in or over the water of Fountain Lake from or on any public property or any property under the public control except as provided city ordinance.
The City of Albert Lea issues permits for 300-some docks on Fountain Lake to offer access for boating, fishing and other recreation. Dock permits are available for a fee for both people who live in Albert Lea and outside the community. The cost is $175 per season for Albert Lea residents and $225 for those who live elsewhere. Dock permits provide you access to utilize 50 feet of shoreline and does not include a dock, lift, stairs or any other pieces of equipment. All equipment must be provided by the renter.
Dock permits are issued in this order:
- Homeowners with riparian rights, as defined by City Code, have first opportunity to rent the dock space tied to their property for each season. If they decline to rent that dock space, then it becomes available to the public.
- People who rented dock spaces in 2024, have the opportunity to rent the same dock space in 2025.
- Remaining dock spaces then open to the public for rental at on a first-come, first-served basis.
Proof of insurance, with the dock number included, in the amount of $1 million is required when renewing and renting all dock spaces. You may mail your renewal application with payment and insurance information to 221 E. Clark St., or drop it off at the Recreation Office at the City Arena, 701 Lake Chapeau Drive.
Process for 2025 open dock permit applications:
On April 11, starting at 6 a.m. at the City Arena, staff will take applications for open dock permits. Due to the success the last few years, we will again operate this process as a drive-through. All applicants will remain in their vehicles. We will not be using the building to issue the permits.
- Follow the signs and cones at the City Arena parking lot. Please adhere to these directions as you will line up in the order that you arrive.
- Beginning at 6 a.m., a staff member will begin taking applications at the front of the line of cars. A map will be available for you to view on-site. The map will also be posted to this webpage on April 7, 2025. Once you select your dock space, you will provide the staff member with your completed dock application (posted below), payment and proof of insurance.
- Please have the Dock Permit Application (posted below) completed prior to talking with the staff member. You will fill in the dock number once selected.
- Checks should be made out to the City of Albert Lea ahead of time. Cash, in the correct amount, is also accepted. If absolutely necessary, credit cards can be used, but only through you verbally providing the card information to the staff member.
- The dock permit applicant need not be present, but paperwork with their signature is required in order to receive dock permit.
- Only on-site applications will be accepted on April 11 from 6 – 8 a.m. All remaining open dock permits will be issued beginning April 11 at 9 a.m. in our office or via phone at 507-377-4370.
Other details:
- Please provide your own pen to complete any paperwork on site. Staff will not be providing these.
- If you choose to arrive significantly early, we do require you to stay on-site. No vehicles should be left unattended in order to save your spot in line. Please do not arrive prior to 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 10.
- A reminder that final insurance documents must have liability coverage of $1 million and the dock space needs to be listed as proof of extended coverage.
- Questions regarding the City of Albert Lea Dock Permit process can be directed to:
1. The Recreation Office at 507-377-4370 or
2. Email
The list of available dock spaces for 2025 will be posted online or available at the Recreation Office beginning at 8 a.m. on Monday, April 7, 20245
Edgewater Marina
The Edgewater Marina includes a floating dock with four slip spaces. The marina is west of the walk-in gate near the parking lot at Edgewater Park.
There is a fee of $1,250 per slip for the season. The rental space is for a single watercraft. Docks are reserved on a first-come first-serve basis. Once a dock space has been selected by the lessee, it will be assigned to that person until he/she fails to renew on the assigned dates coinciding with the Article II Dock Ordinance.
The fee is based on equipment costs in comparison of an individual purchasing a dock and the included cost of installation, removal, maintenance, storage and dock space fees.
The rental space provides a convenient location for watercraft owners on Fountain Lake who desire a dock but do not wish to have the expense to purchase, install, remove and maintain each year. Lessee of the slip is permitted to install one watercraft lift at the lessee’s expense adjacent to the dock although not attached to the dock which allows the floating dock to raise and lower with the water depth of the lake.
Please call the Parks and Recreation office at 507-377-4370 for more information.