Comprehensive Plan
A comprehensive plan is a long-term plan that a community creates to outline its vision, goals, and policies for future development and public investment. It reflects the community’s hopes and aspirations for itself and guides land use, transportation patterns, infrastructure needs, historical preservation, parks and recreation, and economic development.
The City of Albert Lea’s Comprehensive Plan is the policy document that sets the foundation for growth and development. It covers not only population and land area, but also changes in the city’s cultural makeup, types of businesses pursued, and steps taken to address regional and global issues. The plan includes an overview of the city’s historical context, demographics, land use, economic climate, public utilities, transportation, natural resources, and parks and trails. It also contains goals, objectives, and policies to guide land use development, redevelopment, and preservation through 2040.
Please contact City Planner Megan Boeck, 507-377-4330 with any comments or questions.
Learn more about the plan in this news release.
Chapter 2 – Land use
Chapter 3 – Housing
Chapter 4 – Public Utilities
Chapter 5 – Transportation
Chapter 6 – Historic Preservation
Chapter 7 – Parks Recreation
Chapter 8 – Economic Development
Chapter 9 – Implementation
Appendix A – Sanitary Sewer Analysis
Appendix B – Historic Preservation Plan
Appendix C – Full Implementation Matrices