Step into a police officer’s shoes:
ALPD Citizens Academy
Learn more about the Albert Lea Police Department (ALPD) by enrolling in its Citizens Academy. This 8-week course offers in-depth information on the department’s policies and procedures.
Topics include hiring, field training officers, police equipment, narcotics, use of force, crime scene investigations, the community service officer program and driving-under-influence investigations. The program is both lecture and hands-on, including an optional 4-hour ride-along with a police officer.
The academy is limited to 16 participants who are at least 18 years old, live or work in the City of Albert Lea, and pass a limited background investigation.
The 2025 academy will take place in the fall.
For more information, contact ALPD Officer Kristen Steinberg at 507-377-5254 or [email protected]