2025 Construction Projects

2025 Neighborhood Improvement Project – Job 2501

The project has two main components: bituminous mill & overlay in the Crossroads Boulevard area and a portion of Lake Chapeau Drive, and replacement of the bituminous surface on a portion of SE Marshall Street. The streets in the mill & overlay area include:

Lake Chapeau Drive – City Arena to the west end
Crossroads Boulevard – TH 65 to the south end
Betha Larson Lane – Crossroads Boulevard to the east end
Ross Drive – Crossroads Boulevard to Betha Larson Lane
Kram Avenue – Betha Larson Lane to the north end
SE Marshall Street – Prospect Avenue to I-35

Work in the mill & overlay area will involve milling the existing bituminous street surfacing for a 6-foot width along each concrete gutter line so the new bituminous layer will match with the level of the concrete gutter. A 2-inch thick layer of bituminous will be laid over the entire width of the street. The project would also involve replacing sections of curb & gutter that have settled and are causing drainage issues.

Work on SE Marshall Street from Prospect Avenue to I-35 will involve bituminous reclamation. This process grinds up the existing asphalt surface in place and mixes it with a portion of the underlying inplace gravel base. This will form a new aggregate roadbase for the new bituminous pavement. One centerline culvert will also be replaced.

See Quest CDN Bid No. 9588572  for bidding information

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2025 State Aid Street Overlay Project – Job 2502

This project involves the bituminous mill & overlay and miscellaneous curb & gutter replacement on Garfield Avenue from Fairlane Terrace to Richway Drive. Work in the mill & overlay area will involve milling the existing bituminous street surfacing for a 6-foot width along each concrete gutter line so the new bituminous layer will match with the level of the concrete gutter. A 2-inch thick layer of bituminous will be laid over the entire width of the street. The project also involves replacing sections of curb & gutter that have settled and are causing drainage issues.

See Quest CDN Bid No. 9588568  for bidding information

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11th Street Reconstruction Project – Job 2503

The project calls for the complete reconstruction of the east end of 11th Street (approximately 355 total feet). Work will include complete removal and replacement of the pavement, curb & gutter, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and watermain along 11th Street from Margaretha Avenue to the east end.

11th Street is 31 feet wide from back-to-back of curb and is proposed to be reconstructed to the same configuration. The watermain has experienced a large and increasing frequency of breaks. The other underground utilities have reached the end of their design life and are proposed for replacement with this project as well.

See Quest CDN Bid No. 9588570  for bidding information

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2025 & 2026 Biosolids Removal – Job 2515

This job will consist of a hauling contract with a contractor to remove biosolids (or sludge) from the storage tanks at the WWTP and land apply the solids on approved land near the WWTP.

See Quest CDN Bid No. 9535637  for bidding information